
All of these titles are available through Gospel Folio. Please go to to order or click on the title to be redirected to their site.

Every mountain has a corresponding valley. The one balances the other. Life is like that-it has its ups and downs. In Scripture, the mountaintop is a place of revelation. But it is a lonely place, a dangerous place, often covered with perpetual snow and rarified air. It is no place for weaklings or cowards. 

Men of the Mountains & Valleys takes you mountain climbing with the great men of the Bible: Noah and Ararat, Abraham and Moriah, Moses and Sinai, Caleb and Hebron, David and Zion, Elijah and Carmel. Then, as if that scenery isn’t breathtaking enough, ascend, in reverent awe, the slopes of Matthew’s Gospel with the Lord Jesus: the Mountain of Temptation, of Teaching, of Intercession, and of Transfiguration. See the Saviour on the Mount of Olives, Mount Calvary, and the Mount of Commission in Galilee. Then on to that “great and high mountain” of the revelation with venerarable John to view the grand climax of history. At every step in the journey there are great truths relevant for today.

First published in 1967, Angola Beloved still challenges believers today to live a life of faith. From boyhood, T. Ernest Wilson’s imagination was fired by reading about David Livingston, Fred Arnot, and Mary Slessor. He wanted to follow in their footsteps, see the places they had pioneered. This book is an account both of hardship and joy, as well as setback and accomplishment. It is a riveting story of danger, adventure and opportunity for the Lord. But more than all that, it is a practical example of how we as believers should be living. We do pray that this updated edition will reach a new generation of believers, both young and old who desire to serve the Lord faithfully, putting into practice the words of Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.

Called “the holy of holies,” chapters 13-17 of the Gospel of John are the very heart and core of Christ’s teaching, and of Christianity itself. A warm and reverent exposition of our Saviour’s upper room discourse and high priestly prayer, with emphasis on seven principal doctrines revealed and expounded by Christ Himself. Chapters include: The Upper Room, Analysis of John 13-17, The Preparation for the Teaching, Question Time at the Table, On the Way to Gethsemane, The Golden Incense Altar, Inside the Sanctuary: Our Lord’s Intercessory Prayer for His Own.

The Farewell Ministry of Christ presents to us:

*The Upper Room
*Analysis of John 13-17
*Preparation for the Teaching (John 13:1-5)
*Question Time at the Table (John 13:36 – 14:31)
*On the Way to Gethsemane (John 15-15)
*The Golden Incense Altar (John 16)
*Inside the Sanctuary (John 17)

Faith, the Gospel, Iniquity, the Kingdom of Heaven, Israel’s Blindness, the Indwelling Christ… These are among the fourteen doctrines Scripture calls “mysteries” – not something mysterious, but something undiscoverable by human reason, previously hidden, now revealed in the New Testament. The fourteen mysteries are presented under four main headings: Doctrinal, Dispensational, Devotional and Diabolical. Each is restated with application to the special circumstances of these difficult and dangerous times, which the New Testatment calls “the last days.” There is an extensive bibliography of titles which include helpful material on one or more of these mystery doctrines.

The Psalms are the heartland of the Old Testament. Wrung from the soul in times of deep emotion, they strike emphatic chords in the spirit of the people of God. Deep within this verdant land are hidden the richest veins of truth – the Messianic Psalms – which yield their treasures to those who love the One these songs exquisitely portray.

In The Messianic Psalms, the author invites us to look with him at these 16 psalms which portray the Lord Jesus at His birth and with His Bride: in His temptation and betrayal, as the last Adam, the Headstone, and the King of Glory. Outlined in the chronological order of the life of our Lord, we feel like we have joined the disciples in the upper room when He said: “These are the words which I spoke unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the . . . psalms, concerning Me.” These psalms are a veritable portrait gallery of the Christ! 

These Messianic Psalms are presented in their chronological order in the life of the Lord.  Chapters include Psalm 2 The Official Glory of the Eternal Son, Psalm 40 The Incarnation, Psalm 91 The Temptation, Psalm 41 The Betrayal, Psalm 22 The Crucifixion, Psalm 69 The Trespass Offering and others.

Presents the Pastoral Epistles’ teachings on the topic of the Church. The papers first appeared in the magazine “Precious Seed” whose committee has kindly given permission that they should appear in this new form.  Ernest Wilson needs no introduction to the assemblies of the Lord’s people. He is well known on all of the continents of the world. Few men have travelled as widely among missionaries promoting the truth of God. It is our hope to advance the teaching of New Testament church by commending these worthy papers to the attention of the Lord’s people. Topics include – the house of God; the church of the Living God, church government, collective and individual prayer, the ministry of women, discipline, assembly finances, and gift development and exercise.

God’s Call To Special Service shows that God chose His servants in the past and is still calling men and women to His work today.

There are ten examples in the Bible, seven in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament, of men who were called by God to do a specific work. Their calls are described in detail. Each one is different, but there are some features which are common to all. A study of these ten men will show that they were human like ourselves, with many weaknesses and failures, and yet God used them mightily in His service. The striking thing about each one is that they were individually called by God to do a specific work and were fitted for it and sustained in it. ~from the Introduction.


Abraham: The Principle of Faith
Moses: The Principle of Leadership
Gideon: The Principle of Guidance
Elisha: The Principle of Discipleship
Jeremiah:  The Principle of Brokenness
Isaiah The Principle of Holiness
Ezekiel The Principle of Glory
Simon Peter: Fisherman & Shepherd
Paul the Apostle: Pioneer & Church Planter
Timothy: Pastoral Ministry

Better understand the meaning and purpose of the Offerings and how they were all pointing forward to the Lamb of God and His one sacrifice offered at Calvary, is the purpose of this book. T. Ernest Wilson takes us through the different books of the Old Testament including Psalms and Minor Prophets. He explains the eternal Plan, Purpose and Promise of God in revealing His love toward the sinner and his sin. Also, the acceptance of man into the presence and family of a Holy God. It reminds us of the precious blood that was shed by the Lamb of God to provide Redemption and Reconciliation for the sons of Adam. The reader of this book is encouraged to have their Bible at hand to read Scripture references found throughout the text. The result for the reader of this book and studying the Scriptures relating to the Blood Sacrifices should be a greater appreciation for the Lord Jesus their Saviour, Substitute and Redeemer. 

What the Bible Teaches is a series of commentaries published with a view to opening up, in a clear, concise manner, the teaching of the New Testament. The contributors are well known Bible expositors, having ministered the Word and conducted Bible Readings in many of the English-speaking countries of the world. The style is both expository and practical. Each commentary has been written specifically for the series, and has not been taken from tapes or culled from other publications. To the enquiring mind, this and companion volumes in the series are a storehouse of divine truth, being the outcome of many years of study and experience.

1 Thessalonians (T.E. Wilson)
2 Thessalonians (T.W. Smith)
1 Timothy (J. Allen)
2 Timothy (J.R. Baker)
Titus (D.E. West)